Awards of the Palatine Barony of the Far West

Award of Arms

An Award of Arms is the first level of “armigerous” award. (It confers the right to bear arms.) It is given usually for service or other significant contribution to the well-being of the Kingdom or Barony, usually at the local level. There is no token given.

Awards of Arms are typically given only by the Crown, but the Coronet of the Far West has long been granted special dispensation to give Awards of Arms within the Palatine Barony.


Grant of Arms

In the Kingdom of the West, the Grant of Arms is usually given to Greater and Lesser Lords of State, their Deputies, (often) founding (landed) Baron/ess, Members of the Order of the Golden Poppy, Members of the Royal Missle Company, Members of the Order of the Western White Scarf, or members of the Order of the Western Gold Scarf.

A “plain” Grant of Arms may be given at Their Majesty’s wish, and therefore there are no set standards for who may receive one. They are, however, somewhat rare. There is no token given for a “plain” Grant of Arms.


Honor of Izanagi’s Spear

This honor was established to recognize and encourage all up and coming youths of the Barony who perform and excel in the graces, virtues, skills, and talents that the Society professes. This honor shall be given to all youths whom the Coronet deems worthy and needful of recognition by the Populace of the Barony and Society in general.

Sample Scroll Text

“According to the legends, the god Izanagi thrust his spear into the ancient oceans. When he pulled it forth, the brine that dripped from the spear formed the islands of Japan. Thus is the spear a symbol of creation and the future. There is a youth among us who has begun this journey into the future in a fine and goodly fashion. Therefore, for showing grace, virtue, skill and talent, We would bestow upon you, [Recipient], the Honor of Izanagi’s Spear. We charge you to bear it well, to honor those who come before you, and to serve as an example to those who will follow you.”

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Honor of the Broken Tusk

Honor of the Broken Tusk is a new honor created by Abe and Ii as a multi level award for the Arts and Sciences.  This award is meant to be a precursor to the Oriental Dragon.

Honor of the Coronet’s Appreciation

This honor was established by Palatine Baron Ulrich and Baroness Ariel in June, A.S. XXV (c.e. 1990). It is presented to those who have through some special deed or service made life easier for the Coronet.


Sample Scroll Text

“The Coronet carries with it great duties and responsibilities. When a gentle offers their aid to ease this burden, it is well that they be met with Our thanks and gratitude.

To recognize the kind deeds done by this gentle in Our service, We would honor [Recipient] with the Coronet’s Appreciation.”

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Honor of the Far West Support

This honor was established by Palatine Baron Edward and Baroness Marixsa on January 4, A.S. XXVI (c.e. 1992) to recognize continued work for the growth of the Barony in such diverse areas as autocrating, running demos, feastocratting or gold key and generally lending a helping hand where needed.


Sample Scroll Text

“Many are the tasks and duties necessary to maintain a Barony. Those who step forward to offer their time and efforts towards the growth and welfare of their home group are worthy of recognition. Therefore, we would honor [Recipient] with the Far West Support.”

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Honor of the Ginger Flower

This honor was established by Palatine Baroness Trude and Baron Wulfric on December 5, A.S. XXII (c.e. 1987), and is presented to fighters whose prowess on the field of battle is exceeded only by their ability to die with panache and flair.


Order of THE Attic Helm

Attic Helm

This is the Baronial award given to recognize fighters of high caliber. It was established to recognize members who, in addition to fighting skills, train new fighters and show chivalry on and off the field. A companion of this order is styled “Companion of the Order of the Attic Helm” and may append the initials “C.A.H.” after his/her name. The token for the order is a gold-colored image of a Greek helm pendant from a red and gold ribbon.

Sample Scroll Text

“Call We unto all warriors. There is one among your ranks who has shown great skill in the arts of combat and war. For these and other deeds, we would admit [Recipient] into the Order of the Attic Helm.”

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Order of the Baronial Gallant

Order of the Baronial Gallant

(Previously the Order of the Hibiscus)

This is the Baronial award established to honor those members of the Barony who are at all times examples of courtesy and grace. A companion of this order is styled “Companion of the Order of the Baronial Gallant” and may append the initials “C.B.G.” after his/her name.

Sample Scroll Text

“There are those among the populace who are ever shining examples of grace and courtesy. These gentles bring the ideals of chivalry to life, and We would recognize and honor [Recipient] by admitting them into the Order of the Baronial Gallant.”

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Order of the Burdoned Bouget

Order of the Burdened Bouget

(Previously known as the Order of the Bouget)

This is the Baronial service award. It was established to recognize members of the populace who have made great sacrifices of themselves in service to the Barony. A companion of this order is styled “Bearer of the Burdened Bouget” and may append the initials “B.B.B.” after his/her name. The token for the order is a silver-colored bouget pendant from a red ribbon.

Sample Scroll Text

“As it is in accord with Our will, We do bestow upon Our faithful and beloved [Recipient] the honor of the Order of the Burdened Bouget, by reason of service and untiring selfless devotion to Our Barony.”

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Order of the Empty Shell

Order of the Empty Shell

This is the Baronial award established to honor those members of the Barony who have participated in the Barony’s various activities thereby enriching it. This order is only given to members who are leaving the Barony. A companion of this order is styled “Companion of the Order of the Empty Shell” and may append the initials “C.O.E.S.” after his/her name. The token of the Order is a small empty shell pendant from a blue and silver ribbon.

Sample Scroll Text

“Long has Our Barony been subjected to the winds of change that convey Our good gentles to the four corners of the Knowne World. Therefore, the Order of the Empty Shell doth recognize those who have enriched Our fair Barony by reason of dwelling among us and departing hence. Wherefore, we do admit [Recipient] to this order, remanded to the pages of the sagas.”

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Order of THE Leaping Dolphin

Order of the Leaping Dolphin

Realizing that the Barony has no official way of recognizing those who have in the past served as the Coronet, Baron Palatine Edward and Baroness Marixsa created this award on January 4, A.S. XXVI (c.e. 1992). It is given by the new Coronets at their investiture to their predecessors, and none may be inducted into the order who have not ruled as Baron and Baroness. All past Coronets shall be granted this recognition and shall be inducted to the order upon successful completion of their term. Should a Coronet abdicate for whatever reason(s), induction into the order will be considered on a case by case basis by the subsequent Coronet. Induction after an abdication is not guaranteed. A companion of this order is styled “Companion of the Order of the Leaping Dolphin” and may append the initials “C.L.D.” after his/her name. Members of the order may display the Baronial badge below a baronial coronet.

Sample Scroll Text

Great are the tasks and duties necessary to maintain a Barony and more so by those who have served as Baron. As dolphins leap from the waves to gain a better view of distant things, so too does the Baron rise to direct our barony from a vantage of wisdom and experience. It is as a leap of release when the weight of the coronet is lifted that we wish to recognize all that has given on behalf of and in the effort of growth and welfare of the Palatine Barony of the Far West. It is with great honor that we do add their name to the rolls of the Order of the Leaping Dolphin on this day 

Order of the Oriental Dragon

Order of the Oriental Dragon

(Previously known as the Order of the Green Dragon)

This is the Baronial award given to recognize great skills in the arts or sciences. It is given to those who both do and teach. A companion of this order is styled “Companion of the Order of the Oriental Dragon” and may append the initials “C.O.D.” after his/her name. The token for the order is a gold-colored dragon on a billet of green jade pendant from a chain.

Sample Scroll Text

“Know ye that We do recognize those whose unique contributions in the Arts and Sciences have greatly enriched Our Barony. We are therefore minded to acknowledge these skills by admitting [Recipient] into the Order of the Oriental Dragon.”


Order of the Sea Griffon

Order of the Sea Griffon

This Order recognizes those who are the very ideal of what the gentry of the current Middle Ages should be. It was established to recognize members of the populace who have made great sacrifices of themselves in service to the Barony, who have demonstrated great courtesy, chivalry, and grace at all times, and who have achieved much in the arts and sciences. This is a polling order; no member may be inducted unless the other members are in majority agreement. Every effort should be made to contact all members of the order. A majority of the members may also approach the Coronet with a candidate; however, in such a case, the Coronet is not obligated to induct members proposed by the order itself. The order was named after the principal charge on the arms of His Excellency Alwyn, Founding Baron Palatine of the Far West. The order was created by Baron Palatine Edward and Baroness Marixsa on November 3, A.S. XXVI (c.e. 1991). A companion of this order is styled “Companion of the Order of the Sea Griffon” any may append the initials “C.S.G.” after his/her name. The token for this order is a silver-colored sea griffon on a red field, pendant from a yellow ribbon.


Order of the Tempest Tossed Traveler

As travel throughout the Barony is difficult due to the distance between the different groups, Palatine Baroness Bernadette and Baron Phtuule created an award on October 23, A.S. XXXIX (2004) to recognise those that travel throughout the Barony and to lands beyond our shores. The order consists of four levels, given in succession for the number of groups within the Barony visited by an individual. A trip outside the borders of the Palatine Barony may be used to fulfill one of the group requirements. Only one outside group may be used, regardless of the total number of outside groups visited.

“The four levels are Gules, Argent, Sable, and Or. For Gules, an individual must visit two groups, Argent, is three groups, Sable is four groups and Or is five groups. Members of this order are styled “Companions of the Order of the Tempest Tossed Traveler, Gules/Argent/Sable/Or Level” and may place the initials TTG (TTA/TTS/TTO) after their name. The token of the order is a colored bead representing the level achieved, suspended from a viking axe. An alternative token is a Viking axe on an appropriately coloured ribbon.